Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I was disturbed while reading the article by Schmoker. It is sad all teachers do not have the same standards as we do. Our profession is attacked quite often and I understand there are "bad" teachers that just pop in a video and don't actually teach. At the same time we have amazing teachers that change a child's entire future. I know there are students that look forward coming to school just to have class with the teacher that stimulates and excited them to learn. The problem with the system is the lack of accountability. There isn't very much I am held accountable for as far as Physical Education. We are a non tested subject so what we are teaching in the classroom is not deemed as important to the district. I am non tenured so I get observed on a more regular basis, but the teachers in my department that are tenured get observed only once a year. This is not an adequate assesment of a teacher's performance. Teaching is a special profession that not just anyone could do, but it is also a profession that needs a little more tender loving care for it to dodge criticism by people like Schmoker.

1 comment:

Prof. Bachenheimer said...

Is it criticism or researched based? (Maybe a little of both.)

I don;t think there are any teachers who think they are bad teachers. Most think they are good teachers. What separates a good teacher from a great teacher...and why shouldn't all teachers employ known strategies to help learning?

I think when there are inefective teachers, administrators and peers are afraid/unwilling to tell an ineffective teacher that they are inefective. Why do you suppose that is?